I- Wadi El Kuu, Saq El Nam Rift
Wadi El Kuu drains the eastern sides of J.Marra, southern parts of Tagabo, and flows southward to join Abu Gabra trough near Muhagriya, draining an area of 100,800 km2. This river moved large amounts of sediments from the slopes of J. Marra to be deposited first along W. El Kuu in the Sag El Naam trough , where most of the coarse sediments were deposited. After some filling of the basin, the medium and fine sediments were deposited in the Abu Gabra trough. This is indicated by the conglomeratic sediments deposited in Sag El Naam, whereas the fine sediments and clays were deposited in the central part of Abu Gabra trough. Charachteristics of the sedimentological sequences from the boreholes in Abu Gabra trough, suggests that the area between Ghazalla Gawazt, Daein, Dar Es Salam and Gellabi is a distal fan of Wadi El Kuu. It is estimated that W.El Kuu contributed about 92,000 km3 of sediments which reached south to near Bahr El Arab.
II- Wadi El Mugadam Rift
III- Wadi Hawr Rift